The Meet
A quiet night out in the local bar and I've started to get a buzz on from the nights drinking with some friends.
While usually a shy and quiet guy, I feel the shots have started to take their toll on my inhibitions and I'm starting to feel brave.
The guys around me are jeering and being stereotypical frat guys and I look around to see who we have started to offend after i hear huffs of anger from the next table.
As I look to my left there's a middle aged couple, both dressed in office attire and looking miserable. This is definitely the source of the huffing and puffing. They didn't look like they were interested in hearing other people have a good time after putting a probable 50+ hours in the office this week. They just wanted a quick glass of savignon blanc before heading home to slip on their night dresses and hide from the ever nearing Monday morning rush hour they will surely face after the weekend.
I laugh to myself at the thought of being in such a relationship. Damn I love being single, no drama, no rules, endless xbox and time to just do what I wa..... hang on. Over the shoulder of my buddy Jack, I spot the most gorgeous, elegant and out right breathe taking beauty I have ever seen.
Legs folded as she sat perched on the stool at the bar. Hair pulled back with her bangs pulled over to reveal her captivating smile. Wearing a jump suit, all in black with a diamond studded belt to match her clutch on the bar in front of her.
I have to know this girl. My whole night and more would be ruined if I didn't at least find out her name.
She was with one other woman but even as I look back now I couldn't explain what this other woman looked like, what her hair was like or even the color of the outfit she wore. Everything else is a blur, except for this princess looking, jumpsuit wearing stunner that quite literally stole my breathe away.
At that moment her friend left the bar area towards the ladies room and I seized my chance to say hi while she was alone.
Now at this point I would love to write about how I charmed her and left her feeling just half the feelings I had felt in spotting her, but I would be lying. In fact I bumbled my words and she even turned down my drink offer because she was about to leave.
Feeling rejected I left my card and said if she ever changes her mind then I would love to buy her a drink some time. My liquid courage had worn off and I left the bar with my friends but the night ended soon after because.....well....lets say some friends can't handle their liquor and I always turn out to be that guy who makes sure they get home safe.
A week passed and out of the blue I receive a text message from an unknown local number. ''Hey, its Maddison. We met in Blake's Bar last week and you left me your card''
OMG. The dream Girl has kept my number.
We exchange a few texts and it turns out that her friend, saw me making a fool of myself and leaving. Maddison was single and her friend encouraged her to text me about a drink when they agreed I was cute (yes, that made me feel awesome).
So a couple of days later we meet for drinks and I take her to my favorite restaurant called Zizzario. We have undeniable chemistry and start the whole 'date chat' thing. What are you into? where are you from? Where do you work? etc.
She was a waitress in a steak house a couple of counties over from mine. I had never been or heard of it but she said it was a family run business and only just taking off. Now being a huge steak fan I was instantly intrigued and asking about the menu and specials, we agreed one day she would take me there to try the special steak sauce. A family recipe containing Stilton cheese and bacon.
The night went well and after food and drinks I took her home. Being the total gentleman I went for a kiss to the cheek after walking her to her door, so it was a nice surprise when our lips full on locked instead and I pulled her in for a movie kiss.
I cant really describe the feeling of that first kiss without sounding like a 7th grade girl on her first date. So i'll just leave it was perfection.
We exchanged endless texts and phone calls over the coming couple of weeks and it was clear to us both that this was special.
One thing that kept playing on my mind was that she didn't have to work much. We had seen each other several times and she never had to plan ahead due to work. Even when we would text she was home or at a friends house. I asked why that was and she just said she had lots of vacation days that needed using. Sounds fair enough.
Then out of the blue I get a text ''We need to talk, I haven't been totally honest with you and need to tell you the truth before we go any further''.
I felt my heartbeat increase with fear that this amazing woman I had found was a liar and married or cheating already. I instantly replied ''What, tell me whats up!''
Maddison then tried calling me but I couldn't bring myself to answer and hear what I thought was coming. I declined the call like a worried child, hoping that if I didn't hear it then it wasn't real. Another text comes through ''Please talk to me, I need you to know about my real job. I'm not a waitress''.
''Oh My God'' I reply. ''I thought is was something serious like a husband you hadn't told me about''
I called her straight back and asked ''So if you aren't a waitress...what do you do?''
Maddison went quiet before replying ''Well, its not a job that most people understand and others get the wrong idea about it''. I quite literally laughed on the phone and said '' Don't tell me you are a stripper?!''
Silence followed......
''You know I don't mind if you are, we can handle that, we have something special''
''Well, not quite'' she replied. Hhhhhmmm now I'm curious and scared all over again. I remember silently praying in my mind, please don't be hooker, please don't be a hooker, I can't handle that.
There was a a silence that seemed to last an eternity before she opened her mouth again ''Have you ever heard of a Cam Girl, that's what I am?''
''You're a what?!, no, no I haven't''
She continued ''A cam girl, a web model, someone that gets naked on a web cam for tips''
Over the next 5-10 minutes she explained EXACTLY what happens when a model gets on a web cam on her site and how they make their money. I agreed that I was OK with the news but needed to digest the information and ask more questions once I had a chance to work it out. I asked if I could come over and talk, she agreed.
That night she showed me the site she broadcasts from and took me in several 'chat rooms' to get an idea of how it works and the different types of shows or conversations that take place from all over the world.
How have I never heard of this?! Quite literally hundreds of rooms on this one site alone. Then we looked at other sites she broadcasts from.
I saw some things I never expected to see in my lifetime, some erotic, some funny and some just plan weird. There were mainly girls broadcasting but couples could do it too or even guys alone.
Maddison explained that the reason she had held back the real job was because she didn't want a guy just expecting nudes or having a different idea of what to expect from her until they had actually gotten to know her. Once she realized me and her had something worth exploring, she knew that she had to come clean. Even if it risked losing us, it wasn't fair to hold it back.
We had a real heart to heart about the site, the work and the reasons she had started in the first place.
I am and always have been open to most things. I find myself willing to listen to peoples reasons for their choices. This girl and what we have is special. I was prepared to see what this 'Cam Stuff' was all about.
Next Post - Lights, Camera...Action
I'm a romantic, so although as a fellow cam girl, I'm wincing... It's really touching.