Thursday, March 19, 2015

Will You Try Camming With me?

Me and M had been together for just over a month now and it was clear to us both that things were special. An unexpected turn of events with my landlord meant that I had to start looking for somewhere else to live. I shopped around and found a great apartment complex with a gym and pool both included in the amenities. After very little thought I asked M how she felt about moving in with me. She jumped at the chance and handed her notice in. within a month we we both in our new home.

There are were two bedrooms in our new place. Obviously we only wanted one room to sleep in so that left a spare room across the hall.

I wanted a man cave for my boy toys and large flat screen TV, M on the other hand wanted the room as a cam room with it's huge built in closet for her outfits.

It was decided that the room would be both a man cave AND cam room, however to this day I have been unable to get my lazy boy or Xbox set up inside. Oh, and its a pink room with floral prints dotted around to match the very girly pink lamp shades and bedspread, so I guess no matter how hard I fool myself.... its a cam room and always will be. 1-0 M.

Its a nice setup we have and whenever M wants to go on cam she just gives me a kiss and disappears to the next room.

Her followers could clearly see that the apartment was different and she filled them in on our new adventure and that we were now living together, which again was received well by the gang.

One night i'm on the couch watching a movie and M is in her room camming. She comes over and sits beside me and just stares at me until i turn my head to acknowledge her.Then she opens her mouth ''So...... My room want to know if you will come say Hi''.

I kind of expected it would happen at some point, one of her sites lists 'Couples' as a category of cams to watch, so in the back of my mind I knew I would have to at least show my face and say hi. 

When I asked how the topic came up and she mentioned that since I've been chatting in her room a few times now, they wondered if they could put a face to the name.

I told M to go back on cam and said that i'd load up the laptop to come in and chat via text. She seemed OK with this and I signed in. All the usual people I had seen in there were chatting away and it seemed the theme of the conversation was about whether M would be able to get me on camera or if I would decline. I didn't type a word but they had spotted me enter the chat room.

They began taunting me (in a fun way) and M was standing up for me but then one guy upped the stakes. A name I recognize, its the guy I silenced the very first time I modded the room

''I will tip 1000 tokens if you just show your face, you don't even have to talk''

I laughed and M could be seen giggling on cam too. Then without another second passing he tips!
the whole 1000 without me even responding as to whether I would. He then goes on to type in a private message to M that he knows I won't and hes just playing around. The moment M tells me this I cant resist. I jump into the room and sit on the bed beside her smiling.

I'm not sure who was more surprised, M or the room. The chat wall filled with waving hand graphics and people saying hi. It was a strange feeling. I'm not a model or even good looking but it was such a great feeling to see this welcome and even the occasional compliments from females in the room. It was a strange feeling and the first time I ever got to feel how a model does when shes online with compliments being tossed at her. It's a unique feeling and I challenge anyone to hear those nice things in that environment and not smile or feel instantly uplifted. It was confirmation of the way M has said compliments online can really make the whole experience special, even on a quiet night.

I have an accent and people pick up on it straightaway. Usernames are trying to work out where I'm from but we don't give anything away. I told the guys it was nice to get on cam to say hi but I needed to get out of shot because I wasn't verified. The last thing M needed was to be banned from working, specially with our new place to help pay for.

When she signs off camera we speak about the night and M submits my details to get me registered on her profile. Not because we wanted to make it regular but just so that should the occasion ever arise....we're ready.

We hit a bar the following Friday night, had some wine did some dancing and then called a cab to head home. While in the back of the cab M tells me that several people have been asking about me online and wanted to know what we would do for tokens. It catches me off guard but i'm turned on by the thought. Just like the first night that I met M, I've got a slight buzz from drinking and i'm feeling brave. 

We decide to get on cam and set a goal of doing our first blow job show. 

M grabs her cell and tweets ''We are feeling horny, time for my first couple show. see you online shortly''.

Once we get home I've sobered up a little but M gets the laptop out and we sit in front of the screen to see what happens.

She hits broadcast and people start coming in. They recognize the room title is different than they're used to, this one says ''couple show''. We chat about our night and slowly the tips start to role in. It's not long before we hit the total and start.

It's moving along so fast and before I know it, M has started unbuttoning my pants and is caressing me. She turns the cam to the side and whispers to make sure i'm OK. I nod and we kiss before getting back to business. 

The room were awash with excitement about seeing M this way. We had the camera in a 'point of view' position so the people watching could only see her as if she was pleasuring them. This was by chance that it happened but was a nice way to be on cam sexually without having to show my face while I digested the way it felt.

After the show had ended, M began to get requests that we do more than a BJ but she knows i'm maxed out on my comfort meter. She does a solo show instead and signs off.

The moment she stops broadcasting she asks me how i'm felling and I explain it was OK. I am not a confident or sexual person in front of others, so the feeling is strange but I feel calm and it was fun to share with M.

We had an in depth chat about camming and even though we both had fun, we didn't want to upset the dynamic that she had worked so hard to build over the last year. We didn't want to become an online couple. That being said, M admitted that it was a refreshing change to her shows and made it much more entertaining for her. It had opened her room to a whole new audience of people looking for more than a solo show and her followers on both the site and twitter had increased. We decided not to rule out trying it again if the situation should ever arise because financially the night was a huge success.

M continued to Cam alone but I would occasionally pop my head into view to say hi when the atmosphere was right or she asked me to. I continued to chat in the room but not every night. It was important that M remained known as a solo entertainer.

Every model online will know that sometimes pay goals just seems a little harder to reach and you need to try new things to freshen the room up and keep people entertained. It was once such time that M approached me and asked if we could try the BJ online again because we needed a little more cash than normal.

I remember that my main concern with going on camera was that I didn't want to be recognized. Having tried it out a few times now I was more confident and willing to experiment but still didn't want the tag of being a cam model myself. 

I had a good career and an active social life. If either of these caught wind of my nocturnal activities I would be devastated. The buzz of keeping it secret was also fun. So I agreed to do a show with M again.

The goal was set online and was soon reached. Still no nerves from me and it was fun. We started the BJ and moved the camera to the same angle as before. I start to feel brave and suggest that if she was interested I would have sex on camera but I didn't want to show my face.

M was thrilled and wanted to as-well, so we changed the goal to have sex. 

We watched together while the room discussed how this was new and exciting. The viewers in the room had peaked at somewhere like 1000 people with a majority of people from 'the spectator' group.

Now I previously mentioned how these guys are nice and not to be under appreciated. Which 90% of the time is true. There is the other 10% though.....

We are having fun and goal has just been hit. We're about to start the show and are warming each other up when a guy starts to question who I am. He had been in the room several times before and had always been quiet. This time however, he wasn't impressed. Mainly because he had walked in on a couple show instead. M responds with who I am and that we're trying a new show tonight. He responds by insulting me and saying M could do better. He isn't impressed with my looks and jokes that 1000 people are about to watch me fail to satisfy her or better yet i wont even be able to get hard.

M kicks the guy from the room and we carry on but he's in my head now. The excitement and fun that I was feeling has been replaced by a nervous and ugly feeling of embarrassment. It's Clearly noticeable to everyone, so she tells the room she wants a quick cigarette before starting and we jump off screen.

I'm sure I lose 'man points' for this but I had never been so close to crying over words. The confidence i'd built over the last few months on cam with M had been shot to pieces. It really is impossible to describe the feeling of rejection and uselessness I felt, simply by receiving comments from a complete stranger. 

I had been in the room when 'trolls' had appeared before and they were swiftly dealt with. A silence or a ban...whatever. I had never expected to receive negativity my way though.

It was a confusing few minutes after covering the camera. On the one hand I had lost all interest in this camming stuff and wanted to disappear and hide, on the other hand was M and her fans/followers that had paid money to see a show. You could tell that M was torn about what to say too. She hugged me, reassured me and apologized, even though she had no need to. I told her I was OK and she decided that she would do the show alone, people would have to deal with it.

She went back on cam and I left her to do her thing. It took like 2-3 minutes of being alone for me to realize that I didn't want to defeated by this idiot. He probably spends his whole night moving from room to room getting inside peoples heads and now M was alone on cam dealing with the awkward situation. I walked back into the bedroom to see her naked on all fours, teasing the room before starting a show alone. I was instantly turned on and wanted to show we were stronger than that. I kissed her and we had amazing sex, while everyone watched.

That was the only show I remember us doing, to this very day, that we did not pay a single bit of attention to the laptop screen or what was being said about us. It was special and quite honestly one of the most intimate and passionate sexual moments we have shared together.

We will do a show together once or twice a fortnight now but its usually a BJ show. We rarely go into full sex on camera but when we do it is well received. There has never been a repeat performance of the guy who got into my head, although several have tried. 

If anyone reading this has a partner that's a cam model, don't be scared by the story of my first time. Along with the negative of that one guy, there's so many other nice people that are envious of you and would give their left nut to switch places. Lots of guys will comment on how lucky you are and its difficult not to smile and agree. M has a few followers now, male & female, that will come into the room because they like me and just want to say something nice about how I look or act. Its pretty amazing.

When M introduced me to her cam world, we worried about so many different things happening. Looking back...... that one guy is the only negative about introducing me. 

Next post - Sharing our secret

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read. I couldn't imagine what it must've felt like to be in your shoes. It feels strange just reading about it. Cheers mate!
