When talking about the broadcast and what we should expect,Two things arose as concerns.
First, her Fans and followers. How would she approach the subject that there was a new guy in her life who would potentially be monopolizing her time, specially while the relationship was new.
How would she tell her guys? Would she tell her guys? How would they react? Will it change the room atmosphere?
The users in her room could be broken down into four categories (this is solely my opinion).
1- The Spectator
They make up a majority of the cam room users. Not usually tippers and mainly just throw the odd compliment or even insult into the chat. However, spectators are not to be underestimated. Everybody that starts to watch a cam is a spectator to begin with. Over time these guys can become important members of the later groups, or they can choose to live in anonymity and get their kicks silently.
2- The Fantasist
A fantasist sees the cam as a window to the person they desire. They can roam a site for hours on end choosing which girl takes their fancy that night. Usually they will have many different girls they frequent but just see where the passion takes them. Tonight is a red head but tomorrow could be a brunette. It just depends how they are feeling. They will tip to get to the target amount a cam model has in her room, so they are able to take part and fantasize about being alone with the model.
3- The Spoiler
A spoiler is very similar to a fantasist. The thing that separates the two is their desire to 'shop around'. A spoiler might have a small group of women they visit regularly and when there they like to make themselves known. They will throw down frequent and/or big tips to please a model and treat them like their own girlfriend. They can become very close with a model and be good friends while still frequenting the room for a certain amount of sexual or emotional pleasure.
4- The Friend
The hardest group to break into and usually the smallest portion of a room. These people are trusted guys who are always around on cam sites and through various forms of social media. They take an active interest in the models life and see the model as more than a naked woman on cam doing shows. They see the model as a person and want to be as close as possible. While the smallest percentage of a room they will usually make up 50% of the chat and form a community of closeness with the model and other users that fall into the 'friend' category.
I would just add at this point, the grouping of a user in no way under appreciate the user. Every group is important to the model. Not only financially, but simply for the dynamic they add. Everyone has that close friend or colleague that they enjoy spending time with, but you sometimes want to go and socialize with a different group to add some variation to your life.
We were both concerned about how a new man would impact each user group. Spectators, by default, would probably just go with it and either enjoy or move on. Fantasists and Spoilers would be the most effected by a change. These people are around for their kicks and might not want to be handing their tips over to a girl if they know she's unavailable.
Now lets face it, 99% of situations the model was unavailable but the key to getting tips from these groups is to appear available not never actually BE available. Furthermore, one of the draws to tipping the model for these guys is that they assume the model will be relying on their support financially AND emotionally. If she suddenly has a significant other, then the need for emotional support lessens dramatically.
The last group, the Friends, was an all together different beast. These guys are committed to the model. They are likely to be defensive for all the right reasons. They have been with the model through various ups and downs. They don't want to see her hurt and will do their utmost to ensure her happiness.
None of these groups had seen Maddison go through a relationship before and we needed to tread very carefully.
The very reason Maddison had become so involved in her cam world was because of a previous relationship meltdown. I will go over this in future posts but for reference to the current post, just know that the users in her room had seen the lows of a breakup and didn't want Maddison at that point again.
So that is concern One.
Secondly, how will I act in this?
I have never been in a situation where my partner is giving other guys attention. Specially when it could be the sort of attention I have only experienced in private as an intimate moment between us.
The only way to move forward was to just see what happens. Just jump in the water and see what happens.
I decided that I would be more comfortable if I was away from her when she started to broadcast. In the event that I didn't handle it well, it would be awful for her if she was in front of the cam with me across the room acting uncomfortable and wanting to end the session.
So Friday came around and it was show time.
I was at my house, while she was in her apartment across town. I could feel a kind of nervous, numbness in my arms and legs while I loaded up the website and created a username.I had a beer nearby to relax my nerves and a pizza in the oven. I wasn't even hungry but figured it would be a welcome distraction should things go wrong. Then I waited for her to show online.
My cell lights up and its Maddison calling me, wanting to check I'm OK and ready to go.
''Yes! lets go. Good luck''
Before you know it I am sat there, laptop in front of me, watching my girlfriend, dressed in revealing lingerie, is talking to these usernames (which to this day remains my favorite part of watching cam chat. Some of the names are crazy and it's hilarious to sit in the next room hearing Maddison welcome guys like Buttluver99 or robocock_rick).
Maddison didn't take long before sharing with the room about her new romance. She exchanged a few greetings and people began asking why she seemed so bubbly and vibrant tonight. ''I've met a guy and hes amazing''.
She gave a few basic details like how we met, what I looked like and everyone was genuinely happy for her. They could tell that she 'loved up' as I think one guy put it but overall they were happy with her news and the way it was clearly making her feel. Chat about her new romance began fading out and the room settled to what I now know as normal.
It didn't take long before tips started rolling in and she had to show her boobs. My cell lights up again, a text this time. ''Eek here goes, please don't hate me''. Before I could reply though, there they were. Boobs out and a room of people watching and commentating on their size, shape and how much they would love to...well, you get the idea.
I had been strangely dreading this moment. You would think that it would be a turn on to watch your girlfriend naked and posing seductively.
I am glad to say though that the nerves instantly disappeared. I have to admit it was strange to start with but once you choose to see past the fact that your girlfriend is naked in a kind of public way, you actually see that you are one lucky guy and you managed to find a real beauty with a heart and personality to match.
Instead of finding the room erotic it was relaxing and intimate, even though you are sharing the moment with a thousand or so other people.
It became clear that even though she was getting naked, she had already planned that this would be a gentle welcome for me. She had a headline in the room that said it was a chilled night to hang out and see where it goes, instead of a full on masturbation show with toys etc.
The chat window helped immensely. It was awesome to see this group take on a community type mentality. Each user in the room had a unique character behind the ridiculous username and everyone active in the chat was genuinely pleased to spend time online with Maddison. It blew me away how she came alive and was able to act exactly as she would in 'real life'. It is no simple task to have a chat with that many people, yet she was in her element.
People can sometimes get the idea that when a model is in front of that camera she will change, or act a certain because way she thinks you want her to. That was not the case with Maddison, I was instantly in awe and proud to see that she was able to mix this cam world with her personality and really have fun.
There were several flashes and dances on cam, I chose to avoid chatting myself this once, just while I observed the dynamic I was going to be thrust into one day.
I was sensing that Maddison was a little apprehensive of my reaction and I took the chance to send her a message to say that I was OK and simply in amazement at her beauty.
This seemed to relax her and she went back to her thing, before a Spoiler and a Fantasist decided that they wanted to start a tipping war. The Spoiler and fantasist well and truly spoiled Maddison. She sent me a message to warn me that she was probably going to do an actual show now.
I replied that it was fine with me but I didn't think i was ready to be a part of that yet. She jumped off cam after telling the room she would be right back and immediately called me.
After reassuring her that it'd been a fun night I added that i was about to sign off and let her relax knowing that I wasn't there for a little while. To this day I remember her exact response ''I don't mind if you are there, you are the one I want''. The best part of hearing that was that I believed her. I believed her and felt the exact same way. I had no doubt in my mind that this woman was the one for me. We both knew.
I pulled some excuse about having to be up early for practice in the morning, said that we are GOOD and that I feel complete safety in our relationship together. Off she went to do her thing and while I closed the laptop to watch a movie and try to calm down to a normal level of brain activity again.
A few hours later she text to say she was offline now and about to go to sleep. To which I replied ''You are truly amazing, thank you for sharing with me. night night.x''
In the morning she came over and we spoke about the previous night. To be honest we really didn't go into explicit detail. Neither of us felt a need to. We could both feel a level of stress and worry had been lifted.
She explained that a few guys had messaged her during the broadcast and that they were interested in this new guy but none seemed threatened or concerned. All of them had commented in some way that she looks more happy than they have ever seen. If she was happy, then so were they.
They also mentioned that they were keen to get me into the room or on cam so they could grill me and find out more, to which she replied ''He will be in the room soon, don't worry''. She asked what I thought about that and I agreed that it made total sense and couldn't wait to come say hi to gang.
The chat just ended there. We were both cool with the situation and nothing else mattered. We cuddled and went on with our day together. Things are GOOD!
Next Post - Meeting the gang
This is terrific. :)